Category Archive: Starters

Taco Balls

What’s your favorite cuisine??!!! Well, I’ve come across this question many a times… And I carefully choose to skip answering it! Reason… I’ve met enough people by now who don’t find my answer… Continue reading

Onion-Poha Fritters

How I love munching pakoras!!! Anytime n everytime… I don’t make it often though. It’s something that we don’t miss to have once in 2 weeks or so… And I absolutely enjoy eating… Continue reading

Paneer stuffed Bhindi

Bhindi is one of our favorite vegetables to eat! I can have it pretty much in anything i.e. appetizer, gravy, raita… But he’ll make a grumpy face if it’s a sticky outcome! Well,… Continue reading

Carrot-Broccoli Fritters

I have mentioned it so many times before that I never like eating leftovers or I don’t even like wasting food. What I usually do is… create a new dish out of leftovers… Continue reading

Kothimbir Wadi

I wasn’t the person who used to access my social media accounts all the time… Rather I prefer calling them n talking for long hours :) But ever since I stepped into this… Continue reading

Baked Bread Rolls

I’m a music lover… die-hard bollywood music fan! I love hearing bollywood beats, no matter who’s the singer… starting from suraiya to himesh reshmiya ;) Even mood of the song doesn’t matter… I… Continue reading

Rajasthani Mirchi Wada

“Potatoes” one thing that I can have over and over… In brekkie, lunch, dinner or in-between the meals ;) And if you give me a bag of baby potatoes, you’ll surely find me… Continue reading

Savory Paniyaram

I’m not a big-branded blogger or even the one to be considered in hit-list of Indian bloggers… But I love blogging and I love food, so I have been integrating these 2 things… Continue reading

Sabudana Vada

I love my dishwasher… of course, ‘coz I hate doing dishes! A few months back, I had a very pretty foodie friend over… And I got to spend long hours with her! I… Continue reading