Beetroot Lemonade

Last week when I bought a few beetroots from fresh food market, I thought of making many things out of it… I already have posted ‘Polish Beetroot Soup’ earlier and other things I made this time were Beetroot Dip & Beetroot Lemonade…
Well, it’s true that anything that comes with roasted cumin powder seems delicious to me! And I never miss to add a pinch of it while making any sort of lemonade… It just gives a jaljeera touch :P Why don’t you try it out? It’s healthy, tangy & yummy…


Makes: 2 Glasses


1 Beetroot, boiled
1 cup Chilled Water
2 tbsp Lemon Juice
Black Salt, to taste
1 tsp Cumin Powder


  1. Roughly chop beetroot into pieces and take them into a mixture jar.
  2. Don’t drain out water in which you boiled beetroot. Add it to jar and grind to make a smooth slurry.
  3. Transfer it to a jug and add water, lemon juice, black salt & cumin powder.
  4. Mix everything well and pour it in 2 long glasses.
  5. Serve chilled!


You can also add 3-4 mint leaves for minty flavor. I like it as it is :)

Linking it with “Pari’s Only Summer Food & Drinks” event, hosted by Shailaja: Sahasra Recipes :)

only summer food & drinks